Oct_22 The Painting’s Message was Personal to Me . . .

The painting called "All of Me" sat in an almost finished state for several weeks. I would wander into the studio and find myself working on other paintings and not moving this piece to its obvious and quick completion. I did wonder about the timing of this, but I have learned to trust the process.
During this time, the name came to me very clearly and strongly. Then, I started receiving the spiritual message of the painting. It didn’t just come once, it was on a regular loop - I kept hearing the message of the painting over and over again
Here are the essential background details that you’ll need to understand what comes next. I had arranged for an art show to take place the entire month of August just down the street from my home. I was booked to hang the exhibit on Saturday, July 30th which is exactly what happened. My husband and I brought 50 paintings to the showroom, distributed them and hung them on their hooks and wires.

When we returned home from what we thought was a fully completed show, I finally wrote down the message on my computer, thinking that perhaps that action would allow me to stop being possessed by the message. It did, but not in the way I had imagined.
The realization dawned upon me that I was being asked to show all of ME, at a whole new level in this show. I had never before included the spiritual messages as part of the show. I mention them on Facebook and often get very positive responses. If anyone asks, I will share with them what I sense the message of that painting to be. In my bio of the show, I mention that I am a Spirit-guided artist and that I work with a counsel of guides. All of these activities have felt expositing in various degrees. I didn’t realize that I was playing it safe. If you look closely at the photos you can see that there is only one label on the right bottom area of each painting. There is no spiritual message attached.
So after I got over the shock of what was being asked of me, I proceeded to print off the 50 spiritual messages. Paul and I returned to the show and started taping the messages near the labels that were already in place. Here are some photos of how the show looks now.
When I returned home, it became clear that I had only taken the realization part way. I now needed to attach my spiritual messages to all of my remaining paintings that were hanging in my home gallery. From now on, when people look at my art the spiritual messages will be there, if they choose to read them.
