Nov_18 The Beach Studio Tour
There is so much to do in order to be ready for the event. Here are some photos of me waiting in the space for the tour to begin. All is ready . . . and now I look forward to meeting the guests.
And they did arrive . . . I lost count but I’m guessing about 150 people came through. All of them had such positive comments like: “I feel so uplifted looking at your paintings," “the colours are so joyous I can’t help but feel happy being around them," “each painting has such a unique message." When I create the paintings I am feeling joyous and I am glad that my passion and positive energy is felt by those looking at them.
One woman who noticed that I have lots of feathers appearing in my paintings, showed me a beautiful feather that she always carries with her, that came from her Lovebird named Peanut. When I admired the feather her face lit up and she declared that she wanted to gift it to me. I was so touched by this beautiful present and declared that it would definitely appear in a painting and she would be the first to see it finished.

This is truly a community event. Neighbours came by who got to see another side of me and people outside the neighbourhood also came to enjoy a sunny weekend and experience the art and artists of the beach area. There was a door prize at each of the 15 studios. Kathleen won "Windswept" and here she is with her new painting . . . she already has the location picked for it.

I’m totally sold on the event. I’m now co-treasurer of the BST and plan to be a member for a long time!